Today has not been my best day in terms of staying happy and positive. I've found it impossible to stay patient with my children, which makes me feel terribly sad, as well as bad about myself. But tomorrow is a new day. And in general I do feel better and more positive. Devoting this month to happiness and positivity has helped me to focus and be more aware of my feelings. I've not been perfect at keeping my resolutions so far but I feel like I'm improving. Exercising is the most difficult one, while meditating and writing a gratitude journal have become pleasent parts of my daily routine. In addition to my resolutions I've made a list of tasks that I want to complete during June. These tasks should further help me find a positive attitude and make space for more happiness in my life:
Zen space: clear my desk and my bedside table.
Most of my space is fairly chatoic at the moment. Starting small, I want to tackle my desk and bedside table. My bedside table cannot be seen for clothes, unopened mail, and piles of drawings from my daughter. And I am not even sure what is in the two drawers. I think it would be a nice zen feeling to go to bed with an organized nightstand, with a clear surface to put away my book and my glass of water. Luckily my desk doesn't have any drawers to organize, but there are piles of unidentified paper stuff. I am sure work would feel more peaceful and productive with a beautiful clear desk.
Zen mind I: write a comprehensive to do list.
Write a list of every nagging task that comes to mind. Then (next month?) start tackling that list in an organized way.
Zen mind II: complete a big, daunting task at work that has been nagging my mind for a while.
Read: Eat, Pray, Love, The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living
Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment
Watch: Amelie and It's a Wonderful Life
Make a happy list: Make a list of things that give me pleasure and joy in life
Do a positivity challenge: I want to try this, the last week of June.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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